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- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; PCMCIA ethernet card driver for A1200
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ;
- ; 10-4-97 v0.1 - Created by Bruce Abbott (bhabbott@inhb.co.nz)
- ; *** First Aminet Release ***
- ;
- ; 29-4-97 v0.2 - Implemented CMD_ONLINE/OFFLINE/FLUSH (for Miami).
- ;
- ; - Enabled interrupts during RemoteWrite (no more serial
- ; port overruns!).
- ;
- ; 6-5-97 v0.3 - Added a flag so that we won't try to ReleaseCard()
- ; unless there was a successful OwnCard()!
- ;
- ; 17-5-97 v0.4 - CMD_CONFIGINTERFACE now overrides the default hardware
- ; address (for Maimi).
- ;
- ; - Device now goes offline if the PCMCIA card is removed.
- ;
- ; - CMD_ONEVENT implemented.
- ;
- ; - Loosened hardware address verification to accept the
- ; Accton EN2216.
- ;
- ; - Unrolled loops to improve data transfer speed. Now
- ; about 20% faster on an unexpanded A600.
- ;
- ; - Hack to fix problem with missed interrupts. Now we
- ; clear the Gayle interrupt bits instead of letting
- ; card.resource do it for us.
- ;
- ; *** Second Aminet Release ***
- ;
- ; 29-7-97 v0.5 - Accepts 802.3 packets (untested).
- ;
- ; - Sets BROADCAST bit in io_flags when appropriate.
- ;
- ; - Now examines PCMCIA attribute memory to determine
- ; value to write into Card Configuration Register.
- ;
- ; - If attribute memory not found, tries to open the file
- ; "s:cnetdev.config" to get Card Configuration Register
- ; offset, Configuration ID, and ROM Station Address.
- ;
- ; *** Third Aminet Release ***
- ;
- ;
- output devs:networks/cnet.device
- include amiga.i ; commodore includes (WB1.3)
- include pcmcia.i ; card.resource etc.
- include sanaii.i ; the essential network stuff
- include cnet.i ; hardware specific stuff
- ; 1uS delay before nic register access
- ; May not be required with slower CPU.
- delay MACRO
- tst.b $bfe001 ; at least 1uS, even on fast machines
- ;===========================================================================
- Section 0,CODE
- start_exe:
- moveq #-1,D0 ; it's a device, not an application!
- rts
- romtag:
- dc.l romtag ; RT_MATCHTAG
- dc.l Endcode ; RT_ENDSKIP
- dc.b 0 ; RT_PRI
- dc.l DeviceName ; RT_NAME
- dc.l IDString ; RT_IDSTRING
- dc.l Init ; RT_INIT
- Init:
- dc.l dd_extsize ; data space size
- dc.l funcTable ; pointer to function initializers
- dc.l dataTable ; pointer to data initializers
- dc.l initRoutine ; routine to run at startup
- funcTable:
- dc.w -1
- dc.w Open_Device-funcTable
- dc.w Close_Device-funcTable
- dc.w _DevExpunge-funcTable
- dc.w _Null-funcTable
- dc.w _DevBeginIO-funcTable
- dc.w _DevAbortIO-funcTable
- dc.w -1
- dataTable:
- dc.w 0
- ;=======================================================
- ; initRoutine
- ;=======================================================
- ;
- ; Called after device has been allocated.
- ; This routine is single threaded
- ;
- ; input: a0 = seglist
- ; d0 = device
- ;
- initRoutine:
- movem.l d1-d7/a0-a5,-(A7)
- move.l d0,a5
- move.l a0,dd_SegList(a5) ; seglist for expunge
- move.l 4,execbase ; local copy of execbase
- move.l a5,d0
- movem.l (A7)+,d1-d7/a0-a5
- rts
- _Null:
- moveq #0,d0
- rts
- ;=================================================================
- ; Open Device
- ;=================================================================
- ;
- ; error = Open_Device(device, ioreq, unitnum, flags)
- ; d0 a6 a1 d0 d1
- ;
- Open_Device:
- movem.l D2-D4/A2-A4/A6,-(A7)
- move.l A6,A3 ; a3 = device
- move.l A1,A4 ; a4 = ioreq
- move.l D0,D4 ; d4 = unit
- move.l a3,a1
- bsr init_device ; init device data structures
- move.l a3,a0
- move.l a4,a1
- move.l d4,d0
- bsr Open_Unit ; open unit
- move.l d0,io_unit(a4)
- beq.s .error
- move.l A3,A1
- bsr init_card ; init PCMCIA card
- tst.l D0
- bne.s .error
- move.l a3,a1
- bsr init_nic ; init Network Interface Controller
- tst.l d0
- beq.s .ok
- .error:
- move.l dd_cardres(a3),d1
- beq.s .nocard
- move.l d1,a6
- bclr #DDB_OWNED,dd_flags(a3)
- beq.s .nocard
- lea dd_cardhandle(a3),a1
- jsr _LVOReleaseCard(a6) ; release card if error
- .nocard:
- moveq #IOERR_OPENFAIL,d0
- move.b d0,io_error(a4)
- move.l d0,io_device(a4)
- bra.s .done
- .ok:
- bset #DDB_ONLINE,dd_flags(a3) ; ready to accept packets
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b d0,io_error(a4) ; complete the ioreq
- move.b #NT_REPLYMSG,ln_type(a4)
- addq.w #1,lib_OpenCnt(a3) ; opened successfully
- .done:
- movem.l (A7)+,D2-D4/A2-A4/A6
- rts
- ;===============================================================
- ; unit=Open Unit(device, ioreq, unitnum)
- ; d0 a0 a1 d0
- ;===============================================================
- ;
- ; Get the caller's buffer copy callback vectors
- ;
- ; NOTE: we only keep the vectors from the current caller
- ;
- Open_Unit:
- movem.l D2-D4/A2-A5,-(A7)
- move.l A0,A4 ; A4 = device
- move.l A1,A5 ; A5 = ioreq
- tst.l D0 ; only unit 0 is supported
- bne .error
- move.l ios2_buffermanagement(A5),D0 ; tag list supplied?
- beq .ok
- moveq #0,D2 ; d2 = number of required tags found
- move.l D0,A0 ; a0 = tag list
- .next_tag:
- move.l (A0)+,D0 ; d0 = tag number
- beq .got_tags ; end of tag list?
- move.l (A0)+,D1 ; d1 = tag value
- beq.s .from ; tag_copyfrombuf ?
- cmp.l #S2_COPYTOBUFF,D0
- bne.s .next_tag ; tag_copytobuf ?
- .to:
- move.l D1,dd_copytobuf(a4) ; store function
- addq.w #1,D2 ; got the tag
- bra .next_tag
- .from:
- move.l D1,dd_copyfrombuf(a4) ; store function
- addq.w #1,D2 ; got the tag
- bra .next_tag
- .got_tags:
- subq.w #2,D2 ; got both tags ?
- beq.s .ok
- .error:
- moveq #0,d0 ; return error
- bra.s .done
- .ok:
- moveq #1,d0 ; return OK
- .done:
- movem.l (A7)+,D2-D4/A2-A5
- rts
- ;============================================================
- ; Expunge Device
- ;============================================================
- ;
- ; called when system wants us to close down
- ;
- _DevExpunge:
- tst.w lib_opencnt(a6)
- bne.s .done
- bset #LIBB_DELEXP,lib_flags(a6)
- .done:
- moveq #0,d0
- rts
- ;============================================================
- ; Close Device
- ;============================================================
- ;
- ; Seglist = CloseDevice(device)
- ; d0 a6
- ;
- Close_Device:
- move.w lib_OpenCnt(a6),d0
- beq.s .done ; already closed ?
- subq.w #1,d0
- move.w d0,lib_OpenCnt(a6)
- .done:
- moveq #0,d0
- rts
- ;===============================================================
- ; Dev_BeginIO
- ;===============================================================
- ; the entry point for all device commands
- ;
- _DevBeginIO:
- move.b #NT_MESSAGE,ln_type(A1) ; make sure type is message
- moveq #0,d0
- move.w io_command(A1),D0 ; get command number
- cmp.w #S2_END,D0
- bhs.s .error ; valid command?
- lsl.w #2,D0
- move.l cmds(PC,D0.w),D0 ; get command vector
- bne.s .ok
- .error:
- move.b #IOERR_NOCMD,io_error(A1)
- bra TermIO ; return invalid command
- .ok:
- clr.b io_error(A1) ; no errors yet
- move.l D0,A0
- jmp (A0) ; jump to command
- ; command vector array ( those marked '*' are commonly used by AmiTCP )
- cmds:
- dc.l 0 ; 0
- dc.l 0 ; 1
- dc.l devcmd_read ; 2 = cmd_read *
- dc.l devcmd_write ; 3 = cmd_write *
- dc.l 0 ; 4
- dc.l 0 ; 5
- dc.l 0 ; 6
- dc.l 0 ; 7
- dc.l devcmd_flush ; 8 = cmd_flush
- dc.l devcmd_devicequery ; 9 = S2_DEVICEQUERY *
- dc.l devcmd_getstationaddress ; 10= S2_GETSTATIONADDRESS *
- dc.l devcmd_configinterface ; 11= S2_CONFIGINTERFACE *
- dc.l 0 ; 12
- dc.l 0 ; 13
- dc.l 0 ; 16= S2_MULTICAST
- dc.l devcmd_broadcast ; 17= S2_BROADCAST *
- dc.l devcmd_tracktype ; 18= S2_TRACKTYPE *
- dc.l 0 ; 19= S2_UNTRACKTYPE
- dc.l 0 ; 20= S2_GETTYPESTATS
- dc.l 0 ; 21= S2_GETSPECIALSTATS
- dc.l 0 ; 22= S2_GETGLOBALSTATS
- dc.l devcmd_onevent ; 23= S2_ONEVENT
- dc.l 0 ; 24= S2_READORPHAN
- dc.l devcmd_online ; 25= S2_ONLINE
- dc.l devcmd_offline ; 26= S2_OFFLINE
- ;====================================================================
- ; Abort_IO
- ;====================================================================
- ;
- ; try to cancel a pending ioreq
- ;
- _DevAbortIO:
- movem.l A2/A6,-(A7)
- move.l A1,A2
- moveq #-1,D0 ; assume failure
- cmp.b #NT_MESSAGE,ln_type(A2) ; only cancel queued ioreq's
- bne.s .done
- move.l execbase(PC),A6
- jsr _LVODisable(A6)
- move.l A2,A1
- jsr _LVORemove(A6) ; remove ioreq from list
- move.b #IOERR_ABORTED,io_error(A2)
- move.l A2,A1
- jsr _LVOReplyMsg(A6) ; reply to originator's message
- jsr _LVOEnable(A6)
- moveq #0,D0 ; aborted OK
- .done:
- movem.l (A7)+,A2/A6
- rts
- ;===========================================================
- ; termio(ioreq)
- ; a1
- ;===========================================================
- ;
- ; return completed ioreq to sender.
- ;
- TermIO:
- movem.l A2/A6,-(A7)
- move.l A1,A2
- move.b io_error(a1),d0 ; completed OK ?
- beq.s .noerr
- moveq #0,d1
- move.w io_command(a2),d1
- move.l io_device(A2),A0
- moveq #S2EVENT_ERROR,D0
- bsr DoEvent ; create error event
- .noerr:
- move.b #NT_REPLYMSG,ln_type(A2)
- btst #IOB_QUICK,io_flags(A2)
- bne.s .quick ; does sender need a reply ?
- move.l A2,A1
- move.l execbase(PC),A6
- jsr _LVOReplyMsg(A6) ; not quick, so send reply
- .quick
- .done:
- movem.l (A7)+,A2/A6
- rts
- ;====================================================
- ;====================================================
- ;
- devcmd_read:
- movem.l A2/A3/A6,-(A7)
- move.l A1,A2 ; A2 = ioreq
- move.l io_device(A2),A3
- btst #DDB_CONFIGURED,dd_flags(A3) ; configured ?
- bne.s .configured
- move.b #S2ERR_BAD_STATE,io_error(A2)
- move.l D0,ios2_WireError(A2) ; error, device is not configured
- bra.s .error
- .configured:
- bclr #IOB_QUICK,io_flags(A2) ; must be queued
- move.l execbase(PC),A6
- jsr _LVODisable(A6)
- lea dd_readlist(A3),A0
- move.l A2,A1
- jsr _LVOAddTail(A6) ; add ioreq to read queue
- jsr _LVOEnable(A6)
- bra.s .done
- .error:
- move.l A2,A1
- bsr TermIO ; terminate with error
- .done:
- movem.l (A7)+,A2/A3/A6
- rts
- ;======================================================
- ;======================================================
- ;
- devcmd_write:
- movem.l A2/A3/A6,-(A7)
- move.l A1,A2 ; A2 = ioreq
- move.l io_device(A2),A3
- btst #DDB_CONFIGURED,dd_flags(A3) ; configured ?
- bne.s .configured
- move.b #S2ERR_BAD_STATE,io_error(A2)
- move.l D0,ios2_WireError(A2) ; error, not configured
- bra .error
- .configured:
- btst #SANA2IOB_RAW,io_flags(A2) ; raw packets ?
- beq.s .cooked
- move.l ios2_DataLength(A2),D1
- cmp.l #RAWPKT_SIZE,D1
- bls.s .goodlen ; check packet size
- bra.s .toobig
- .cooked:
- move.l ios2_DataLength(A2),D1
- bls.s .goodlen
- .toobig:
- move.b #S2ERR_MTU_EXCEEDED,io_error(A2) ; oops! packet too big
- clr.l ios2_WireError(A2)
- bra .error
- .goodlen:
- bclr #IOB_QUICK,io_flags(A2) ; must be queued
- move.l execbase(PC),A6
- jsr _LVODisable(A6)
- lea dd_writelist(A3),A0
- move.l A2,A1
- jsr _LVOAddTail(A6) ; add ioreq to write queue
- jsr _LVOEnable(A6)
- lea dd_txint(A3),A1
- jsr _LVOCause(A6) ; start tx
- bra.s .done
- .error:
- move.l A2,A1
- bsr TermIO ; terminate with error
- .done:
- movem.l (A7)+,A2/A3/A6
- rts
- ;==============================================
- ;==============================================
- ;
- devcmd_flush:
- movem.l A1/A2/A6,-(A7)
- move.l io_device(A1),A2
- move.l execbase(PC),A6
- jsr _LVODisable(A6)
- bra.s .flushreads
- .readloop:
- move.l D0,A1
- move.b #IOERR_ABORTED,io_error(A1)
- jsr _LVOReplyMsg(A6) ; abort all Read requests
- .flushreads:
- lea dd_readlist(A2),A0
- jsr _LVORemHead(A6)
- tst.l D0
- bne.s .readloop
- bra.s .flushwrites
- .writeloop:
- move.l D0,A1
- move.b #IOERR_ABORTED,io_error(A1)
- jsr _LVOReplyMsg(A6) ; abort all Write requests
- .flushwrites:
- lea dd_writelist(A2),A0
- jsr _LVORemHead(A6)
- tst.l D0
- bne.s .writeloop
- bra.s .flushevents
- .eventloop:
- move.l D0,A1 ; abort all Event requests
- move.b #IOERR_ABORTED,io_error(A1)
- jsr _LVOReplyMsg(A6)
- .flushevents:
- lea dd_eventlist(A2),A0
- jsr _LVORemHead(A6)
- tst.l D0
- bne.s .eventloop
- jsr _LVOEnable(A6)
- movem.l (A7)+,A1/A2/A6
- bra TermIO
- ;==============================================
- ;==============================================
- ;
- ; Try to put device online
- ;
- devcmd_online:
- movem.l a1/a2,-(a7)
- move.l io_device(a1),a2
- btst #DDB_CONFIGURED,dd_flags(a2) ; won't go online unless configured!
- beq.s .error
- bset #DDB_ONLINE,dd_flags(a2)
- bne.s .done ; already online ?
- move.l ioaddr(pc),a0
- move.b dd_rcr(a2),nic_rcr(a0) ; set receiver to normal mode
- moveq #S2EVENT_ONLINE,D0
- bsr DoEvent ; create ONLINE event
- bra.s .done
- .error:
- move.b #S2ERR_OUTOFSERVICE,io_error(a1)
- move.l d0,ios2_wireerror(a1)
- .done:
- movem.l (a7)+,a1/a2
- bra TermIO
- ;==============================================
- ;==============================================
- ;
- ; take device offline
- ;
- devcmd_offline
- move.l a1,-(a7)
- move.l io_device(a1),a0
- bclr #DDB_ONLINE,dd_flags(a0)
- beq.s .done ; already offline ?
- move.l ioaddr(pc),a0
- move.b #DSRC_MON,nic_rcr(a0) ; set receiver to monitor mode
- bsr DoEvent ; create OFFLINE event
- .done:
- move.l (a7)+,a1
- bra TermIO
- ;==============================================
- ;==============================================
- ;
- ; queue up event requests
- ;
- devcmd_onevent:
- movem.l a1/a6,-(a7)
- move.l io_device(a1),a0
- bclr #IOB_QUICK,io_flags(a1) ; must be queued
- move.l execbase(PC),A6
- jsr _LVODisable(A6)
- lea dd_eventlist(A0),A0
- jsr _LVOAddTail(A6) ; add ioreq to event queue
- jsr _LVOEnable(A6)
- movem.l (a7)+,a1/a6
- bra TermIO
- ;==============================================
- ;==============================================
- ;
- devcmd_devicequery:
- move.l A1,-(A7)
- move.l ios2_statdata(A1),A0 ; a0 = caller's buffer
- move.l (A0),D1 ; D1 = buffer size
- move.l size_supplied(pc),D0
- cmp.l D0,D1 ; enough space to store info?
- bhs.s .get
- clr.l S2DQ_SIZESUPPLIED(A0) ; nope!
- bra.s .done
- .get:
- lea size_supplied(pc),A0
- subq.l #4,D0 ; skip bytes_available
- bra.s .copy
- .copyloop:
- move.b (A0)+,(A1)+ ; copy info to caller's buffer
- .copy:
- dbf D0,.copyloop
- .done:
- move.l (A7)+,A1
- bra TermIO
- ;==============================================
- ;==============================================
- ;
- devcmd_getstationaddress:
- move.l A1,-(A7)
- move.l io_device(A1),A0
- lea dd_stationaddress(A0),A0
- move.l A0,D1
- lea ios2_srcaddr(A1),A1
- move.w #ETHER_ADDR_SIZE-1,D0
- .copysrc:
- move.b (A0)+,(A1)+ ; source address = station address
- dbf d0,.copysrc
- move.l (A7),A1
- lea ios2_dstaddr(A1),A1
- move.w #ETHER_ADDR_SIZE-1,D0
- move.l D1,A0
- .copydst:
- moveq #0,d1
- move.b (A0)+,d1
- move.b d1,(A1)+ ; dest address = station address
- dbf d0,.copydst
- move.l (A7)+,A1
- bra TermIO
- ;==============================================
- ;==============================================
- ;
- ; NOTE: a default station address has already
- ; been set by init_nic
- ;
- devcmd_configinterface:
- movem.l a1/a6,-(sp)
- move.l io_device(A1),A0
- move.l ios2_srcaddr(a1),d0
- ble .done ; check for valid address
- move.l d0,dd_stationaddress(a0)
- move.w ios2_srcaddr+4(a1),dd_stationaddress+4(a0)
- move.l execbase(pc),a6
- jsr _LVODisable(a6)
- move.l ioaddr(pc),a1
- move.b nic_cr(a1),d1 ; remember current command
- delay
- move.b #DSCM_NODMA|DSCM_PG1,nic_cr(a1) ; select bank 1
- delay
- move.b dd_stationaddress+0(a0),nic_par0(a1)
- delay
- move.b dd_stationaddress+1(a0),nic_par1(a1)
- delay
- move.b dd_stationaddress+2(a0),nic_par2(a1)
- delay ; set station address
- move.b dd_stationaddress+3(a0),nic_par3(a1)
- delay
- move.b dd_stationaddress+4(a0),nic_par4(a1)
- delay
- move.b dd_stationaddress+5(a0),nic_par5(a1)
- delay
- move.b d1,nic_cr(a1) ; restore command
- jsr _LVOEnable(a6)
- bset #DDB_CONFIGURED,dd_flags(a0) ; now configured
- .done:
- movem.l (sp)+,a1/a6
- bra TermIO
- ;==============================================
- ;==============================================
- ;
- devcmd_broadcast:
- move.w #ETHER_ADDR_SIZE-1,D0
- moveq #0,d1
- .loop:
- move.b #255,ios2_dstaddr(a1,d1.w) ; dest address = BROADCAST
- addq.w #1,d1
- dbf d0,.loop
- .doit:
- bra devcmd_write
- ;============================================
- ;============================================
- ;
- ; This function adds a packet type to the
- ; list of those that are being tracked.
- ;
- devcmd_tracktype:
- bra TermIO ; but we won't actually track anything
- ;=========================================
- ; doevent(device, event)
- ; a0 d0
- ;=========================================
- ;
- ; called when an 'important' event occurs
- ;
- DoEvent:
- movem.l D2/A2/A6,-(A7)
- move.l D0,D2
- move.l dd_eventlist(A0),A2 ; get first ioreq
- move.l execbase(PC),A6
- jsr _LVODisable(A6) ; exclusive access to list required
- bra.s .start
- .loop:
- move.l ios2_wireerror(A2),D0
- and.l D2,D0 ; should this ioreq be completed?
- beq.s .next
- move.l D0,ios2_wireerror(A2) ; clear the event
- move.l A2,A1
- jsr _LVORemove(A6) ; remove ioreq from list
- move.l A2,A1
- bsr TermIO ; return ioreq to owner
- .next:
- move.l (A2),A2 ; next ioreq
- .start:
- tst.l (A2) ; last ioreq ?
- bne.s .loop
- .done:
- jsr _LVOEnable(A6) ; other tasks now allowed to access list
- movem.l (A7)+,D2/A2/A6
- rts
- ;======================
- ; delay approx 1.5mS
- ;======================
- ;
- delay1500:
- move.l D0,-(A7)
- move.w #1500,D0
- .loop:
- tst.b $bfe001 ; wait 1uS
- dbf D0,.loop
- move.l (A7)+,D0
- rts
- ;==================================================================
- ; RemoteRead(buffer, nicbuffer, length)
- ; a1 d0.w d1.w
- ;==================================================================
- ;
- ; Get a copy of data stored in the network card's onboard RAM.
- ;
- ; buffer = Amiga RAM
- ;
- ; nicbuffer = 16 bit address in card memory
- ;
- RemoteRead:
- move.l ioaddr(pc),a0
- addq.w #1,D1 ; bump up count to even value
- bclr #0,d1
- swap d1
- delay
- move.b nic_cr(a0),d1 ; save old command
- swap d1
- delay
- move.b #DSCM_NODMA|DSCM_START,nic_cr(A0) ; select bank 0
- delay
- move.b D1,nic_rbcr0(A0) ; set count.lo
- ror.w #8,D1
- delay
- move.b D1,nic_rbcr1(A0) ; set count.hi
- delay
- move.b D0,nic_rsar0(A0) ; set address.lo
- ror.w #8,D0
- delay
- move.b D0,nic_rsar1(A0) ; set address.hi
- delay
- move.b #DSCM_RREAD|DSCM_START,nic_cr(A0) ; request Remote Read
- ror.w #8,D1
- move.w #1600,d0
- sub.w d1,d0 ; calculate jump address for required
- lea nic_data(a0),a0 ; number of 'move.w' opcodes
- jmp .dmaread(pc,d0)
- .dmaread:
- rept 1600/2
- move.w (A0),(A1)+ ; read data words from nic
- endr
- move.l ioaddr(pc),a0
- move.b #DSIS_RDC,nic_isr(A0) ; Remote DMA Complete
- swap d1
- delay
- move.b d1,nic_cr(a0) ; restore old command
- rts
- ;=================================================================
- ; RemoteWrite( buffer, nicbuffer, count )
- ; a1 d0.w d1.w
- ;=================================================================
- ;
- ; Puts data into the network card's onboard RAM
- ;
- ; buffer = Amiga memory
- ;
- ; nicbuffer = 16 bit address in card RAM
- ;
- ;
- RemoteWrite:
- addq.w #1,D1
- bclr #0,D1 ; bump up count to even value
- move.l ioaddr(pc),a0
- swap d1
- delay
- move.b nic_cr(a0),d1 ; save old command
- swap d1
- delay
- move.b #DSIS_RDC,nic_isr(A0) ; remote DMA complete
- delay
- move.b #DSCM_NODMA|DSCM_START,nic_cr(A0) ; select bank 0
- delay
- move.b D0,nic_rsar0(A0) ; set address.lo
- lsr.w #8,D0
- delay
- move.b D0,nic_rsar1(A0) ; set address.hi
- delay
- move.b D1,nic_rbcr0(A0) ; set count.lo
- ror.w #8,D1
- delay
- move.b D1,nic_rbcr1(A0) ; set count.hi
- delay
- move.b #DSCM_START|DSCM_RWRITE,nic_cr(A0) ; request remote write
- ror.w #8,D1
- move.w #1600,d0
- sub.w d1,d0
- lea nic_data(a0),a0
- jmp .dmaread(pc,d0)
- .dmaread:
- rept 1600/2
- move.w (A1)+,(A0)
- endr
- move.l ioaddr(pc),a0
- move.w #30000,D0 ; set timeout
- .check:
- delay
- move.b nic_isr(A0),d1 ; wait for remote DMA complete
- and.b #DSIS_RDC,d1
- bne.s .OK
- dbf D0,.check
- moveq #1,D0 ; timed out error
- bra.s .done
- .ok:
- moveq #0,D0 ; OK
- .done:
- delay
- move.b #DSIS_RDC,nic_isr(a0) ; Remote DMA complete
- swap d1
- delay
- move.b d1,nic_cr(a0) ; restore old command
- rts
- ;=========================================================
- ; reset_nic()
- ;=========================================================
- ;
- reset_nic:
- move.l ioaddr(pc),a0
- delay
- move.b nic_rst(A0),D0 ; start reset pulse
- delay
- move.b D0,nic_rst(A0) ; end reset pulse
- delay
- move.b #DSCM_NODMA|DSCM_STOP,nic_cr(A0) ; stop controller
- bsr delay1500 ; wait 1.5mS
- move.b #$ff,nic_isr(A0) ; clear all nic ints
- rts
- ;========================================================================
- ; init_nic(device)
- ; a1
- ;========================================================================
- ;
- ; set up the network card for online operation
- ;
- ; Here we also get the hardware station address from the nic's ROM. The
- ; CNet card sometimes doesn't read its ROM correctly, so in this case we
- ; use a fixed address instead.
- ;
- init_nic:
- movem.l D2/A4-A6,-(A7)
- move.l A1,A5 ; a5 = device data
- move.l execbase(PC),A6
- jsr _LVODisable(A6) ; ignore ints while setting up
- btst #DDB_NICUP,dd_flags(a5)
- bne .ok ; already initialised ?
- move.b #DSDC_WTS|DSDC_FT1|DSDC_BMS,dd_dcr(A5) ; Word Xfer, FIFO, Burst
- move.b #DSRC_AB,dd_rcr(A5) ; accept broadcast packets
- move.b #INTMASK,dd_imr(A5) ; accept useful interrupts
- move.l ioaddr(pc),d0
- beq .bad ; valid I/O Address ?
- move.l D0,A4 ; A4 = CNet card I/O address
- bsr reset_nic ; reset the controller
- delay
- move.b nic_cr(A4),D0 ; get command
- bne .error ; is it correct ?
- delay
- move.b dd_dcr(A5),nic_dcr(A4) ; set data configuration register
- delay
- move.b #0,nic_rbcr0(A4) ; clear remote byte count
- delay
- move.b #0,nic_rbcr1(A4) ; ''
- delay
- move.b #DSRC_MON,nic_rcr(A4) ; set rx to monitor mode
- delay
- move.b #DSTC_LB0,nic_tcr(A4) ; set tx to loopback mode 1
- delay
- move.b #(RBUFEND/256)-1,nic_bnry(A4) ; set boundary page
- delay
- move.b #RBUF/256,nic_pstart(A4) ; set start of rx ring buffer
- delay
- move.b #RBUFEND/256,nic_pstop(A4) ; set end of rx ring buffer
- delay
- move.b #$ff,nic_isr(a4) ; clear all interrupts
- delay
- move.b #0,nic_imr(a4) ; no interrupts allowed
- delay
- move.b nic_rsr(a4),d0
- delay
- move.b nic_ncr(a4),d0
- delay
- move.b nic_cntr0(a4),d0 ; read status registers
- delay
- move.b nic_cntr1(a4),d0
- delay
- move.b nic_cntr2(a4),d0
- delay
- move.b #ETHER_ADDR_SIZE*2,nic_rbcr0(A4) ; byte count low = (words)
- delay
- move.b #0,nic_rbcr1(A4) ; byte count high = 0
- delay
- move.b #0,nic_rsar0(A4) ; remote start addr low = 0 (ROM)
- delay
- move.b #0,nic_rsar1(A4) ; remote start addr high = 0 (ROM)
- delay
- move.b #DSCM_RREAD,nic_cr(A4) ; start remote read to get
- delay ; station address from ROM
- lea dd_romstationaddress(a5),A0
- move.w #ETHER_ADDR_SIZE-1,D0
- .getaddr:
- move.b nic_data(A4),(A0)+ ; get ROM station address
- dbf D0,.getaddr ; NOTE: 'move.b' as ROM is 8 bit
- move.w #30000,d1
- .waitloop:
- delay
- move.b nic_isr(A4),d0
- and.b #DSIS_RDC,d0 ; wait for remote DMA complete
- dbne d1,.waitloop
- tst.w d0
- beq .error ; error if timed out
- delay
- move.b #DSIS_RDC,nic_isr(A4) ; clear remote DMA complete int
- lea dd_romstationaddress(a5),a0
- btst #7,(a0)
- bne.s .badaddr ; good station address ?
- move.l 2(a0),d0
- beq.s .badaddr
- cmp.l #-1,d0
- bne.s .gotstation
- .badaddr:
- lea default_address(pc),a0 ; use known good station address
- .gotstation:
- lea dd_stationaddress(a5),a1
- moveq #ETHER_ADDR_SIZE-1,d0
- .copyaddr:
- move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ ; copy address to device data
- dbf d0,.copyaddr
- delay
- move.b #DSCM_NODMA|DSCM_PG1|DSCM_STOP,nic_cr(A4) ; select bank 1
- delay
- move.b dd_stationaddress+0(a5),nic_par0(a4)
- delay
- move.b dd_stationaddress+1(a5),nic_par1(a4)
- delay
- move.b dd_stationaddress+2(a5),nic_par2(a4)
- delay ; set station address
- move.b dd_stationaddress+3(a5),nic_par3(a4)
- delay
- move.b dd_stationaddress+4(a5),nic_par4(a4)
- delay
- move.b dd_stationaddress+5(a5),nic_par5(a4)
- delay
- move.b #RBUF/256,nic_curr(A4) ; set current page for rx
- delay
- move.b d0,nic_cr(A4) ; start controller
- delay
- cmp.b nic_cr(A4),D0
- bne .error ; command accepted ?
- delay
- move.b dd_rcr(A5),nic_rcr(A4) ; normal rx mode
- delay
- move.b #0,nic_tcr(A4) ; loopback mode off
- delay
- move.b #TBUF/256,nic_tpsr(a4) ; init tx start page
- delay
- move.b #$ff,nic_isr(A4) ; clear all interrupts
- delay
- move.b dd_imr(A5),nic_imr(A4) ; enable nic interrupts
- .ok:
- bset #DDB_NICUP,dd_flags(a5) ; nic is initialised
- moveq #0,D0
- bra.s .done ; return OK
- .error:
- bsr reset_nic ; reset nic after malfunction
- .bad:
- moveq #-1,D0 ; return error
- .done:
- jsr _LVOEnable(A6) ; allow interrupt processing
- movem.l (A7)+,D2/A4-A6
- rts
- ;========================================================
- ; txintcode(device)
- ; a1
- ;========================================================
- ;
- ; send packets to network card. packets will be put
- ; into the card's onboard 16 bit ram, and then
- ; transmitted to the wire.
- ;
- txintcode:
- movem.l D4-D7/A2-A4/A6,-(A7)
- move.l A1,A4 ; a4 = device
- .next:
- btst #DDB_TX,dd_flags(a4) ; quit if tx in progress (status int
- bne .done ; will restart us when tx complete)
- .getreq:
- lea dd_writelist(A4),A0
- move.l execbase(pc),a6 ; remove top ioreq
- jsr _LVORemHead(A6)
- tst.l D0 ; any ioreqs to process?
- beq .done
- move.l D0,A3 ; A3 = ioreq
- lea txbuffer,A1 ; A1 = our internal packet buffer
- btst #SANA2IOB_RAW,io_flags(A3) ; raw packets?
- beq.s .notraw
- move.l ios2_datalength(A3),D6 ; raw packet is full length
- bra.s .send
- .notraw:
- lea ios2_dstaddr(A3),A0
- moveq #ETHER_ADDR_SIZE-1,D0
- .copy1:
- move.b (A0)+,(A1)+ ; insert dest stationaddr into packet
- dbra D0,.copy1
- lea dd_stationaddress(A4),A0
- moveq #ETHER_ADDR_SIZE-1,D0
- .copy2:
- move.b (A0)+,(A1)+ ; insert src address into packet
- dbra D0,.copy2
- move.l ios2_packettype(A3),D0 ; insert packettype into packet
- move.w D0,(A1)+
- moveq #ether_data,D6
- add.l ios2_datalength(A3),D6 ; d6 = length of header + data
- .send:
- move.l dd_copyfrombuf(a4),a2
- move.l a1,a0
- move.l ios2_data(A3),A1
- move.l ios2_datalength(A3),D0
- jsr (a2) ; call copyfrombuf
- moveq #ETHER_MIN_LEN,D0
- cmp.l D0,D6
- bge.s .min ; d6 adjusted to legal packet size
- move.l D0,D6
- .min:
- move.l D6,D1
- move.w #TBUF,d0
- lea txbuffer,A1
- bsr RemoteWrite ; put packet into nic tx buffer
- tst.l D0
- bne.s .termio
- move.l execbase(PC),A6 ; disable interrupts during tx setup
- jsr _LVODisable(A6)
- bset #DDB_TX,dd_flags(A4) ; set our "buffer full" flag
- move.l ioaddr(pc),a0 ; a0 = nic
- delay
- move.b D6,nic_tbcr0(A0) ; set tx byte count lo
- ror.w #8,D6
- delay
- move.b D6,nic_tbcr1(A0) ; set tx byte count hi
- delay
- move.b #DSCM_NODMA|DSCM_TRANS|DSCM_START,nic_cr(A0) ; start tx
- move.l execbase(PC),A6
- jsr _LVOEnable(A6) ; enable interrupts
- .termio:
- move.l A3,A1
- bsr TermIO ; finish IOrequest
- bra .next ; process next ioreq
- .done:
- movem.l (A7)+,D4-D7/A2-A4/A6
- moveq #0,d0
- rts
- ;============================================================
- ; rxintcode(device)
- ; a1
- ;============================================================
- ;
- ; service rx interrupts
- ;
- rxintcode:
- movem.l D6/D7/A3-A6,-(A7)
- move.l A1,A3 ; a3 = device
- move.l ioaddr(pc),A4 ; a4 = nic registers
- move.l execbase(PC),A6
- .nextpage:
- jsr _LVODisable(A6)
- delay
- move.b #DSCM_NODMA|DSCM_PG1|DSCM_START,nic_cr(A4) ; select bank 1
- moveq #0,D7
- move.b nic_curr(A4),D7 ; d7 = current page
- delay
- move.b #DSCM_NODMA|DSCM_START,nic_cr(A4) ; select bank 0
- jsr _LVOEnable(A6)
- moveq #0,D6
- delay
- move.b nic_bnry(A4),D6
- addq.w #1,D6 ; d6 = next page (boundary+1)
- cmp.w #RBUFEND/256,D6
- blo.s .nowrap ; end of buffer mem ?
- moveq #RBUF/256,D6 ; wrap around to start
- .nowrap:
- cmp.w D6,D7 ; current page = next page ?
- beq .done ; if so then nothing to get
- move.w D6,D0
- asl.w #8,D0 ; d0 = 16 bit page address
- lea rx_header(pc),A1 ; a1 = buffer
- moveq #20,D1 ; 20 bytes to get
- bsr RemoteRead ; get packet header
- move.b rx_header+prhdr_status(pc),d0
- and.b #DSRS_RPC,d0 ; complete packet received ?
- bne.s .goodpacket
- addq.l #1,dd_errors(a3) ; another packet error
- bra.s .next
- .goodpacket:
- move.l A3,A0
- move.w D6,D0
- lea rx_header(pc),A1
- bsr readpacket ; read whole packet into ioreqs
- .next:
- moveq #0,D0
- move.b rx_header+prhdr_nxtpg(pc),D0 ; get next page number
- move.w D0,D7
- subq.w #1,D0 ; nxtpage-1 = new boundary
- cmp.w #RBUF/256,D0
- bge.s .boundary ; wrap if before 1st page
- moveq #(RBUFEND/256)-1,D0
- .boundary:
- delay
- move.b D0,nic_bnry(A4) ; set new boundary
- bra .nextpage ; back for more
- .done:
- delay
- move.b #DSCM_NODMA|DSCM_START,nic_cr(A4) ; select bank 0
- jsr _LVODisable(A6)
- delay
- move.b nic_rsr(a4),d0 ; read rx status
- delay
- move.b nic_cntr0(A4),D0
- delay
- move.b nic_cntr1(A4),D0 ; read counters
- delay
- move.b nic_cntr2(A4),D0
- move.b dd_imr(a3),nic_imr(a4) ; allow rx interrupts
- jsr _LVOEnable(A6)
- movem.l (A7)+,D6/D7/A3-A6
- moveq #0,D0
- rts
- ;==============================================================
- ; readpacket( device, pkthdr, page )
- ; a0 a1 d0.w
- ;==============================================================
- ;
- ; get packet from network card and feed it to next ioreq
- ;
- ; Inputs:
- ;
- ; pkthdr = packet header info extracted from nic
- ;
- ; page = 256 byte page in nic RAM that holds packet
- ;
- ;
- readpacket:
- movem.l D3-D7/A2-A6,-(A7)
- move.l D0,D7 ; D7 = page
- move.l A0,A5 ; A5 = device
- move.l A1,A4 ; a4 = header
- moveq #0,D6
- move.b prhdr_sz1(A4),D6
- lsl.w #8,D6 ; D6 = packet data length
- move.b prhdr_sz0(A4),D6
- sub.w #prhdr_sizeof+ether_data,D6 ; D6 = length of user data
- moveq #0,D3
- move.w prhdr_sizeof+ether_type(A4),D3 ; d3 = type
- move.l dd_readlist(A5),A3 ; a3 = first ioreq
- bra.s .getreq ; find a suitable ioreq
- .checkreq:
- cmp.l ios2_packettype(A3),D3 ; does it want our packet ?
- beq.s .gotreq
- cmp.w #1500,d3
- bhi.s .nextreq ; accept 802.3 packets
- cmp.l #1500,ios2_packettype(A3)
- bls.s .gotreq
- .nextreq:
- move.l D1,A3 ; a3 = next ioreq in list
- .getreq:
- move.l (A3),D1 ; end of list ?
- bne.s .checkreq
- bra .done
- .gotreq:
- move.l A3,A1
- move.l execbase(PC),A6
- jsr _LVORemove(A6) ; remove ioreq from list
- lea ios2_dstaddr(A3),A0
- moveq #ETHER_ADDR_SIZE-1,D0
- .dst:
- move.b (A4)+,(A0)+ ; extract the dest address
- dbf D0,.dst
- cmp.w #$ffff,ios2_dstaddr(a3)
- bne.s .getsrc ; address = Broadcast ?
- cmp.l #$ffffffff,ios2_dstaddr+2(a3)
- bne.s .getsrc
- bset #SANA2IOB_BCAST,io_flags(a3) ; set BROADCAST flag in ioreq
- .getsrc:
- lea ios2_srcaddr(A3),A0
- moveq #ETHER_ADDR_SIZE-1,D0
- .src:
- move.b (A4)+,(A0)+ ; extract the src address
- dbf D0,.src
- move.w D7,D5
- asl.w #8,D5 ; address=page*256
- add.w #prhdr_sizeof+ether_data,D5 ; skip pageheader and etherheader
- btst #SANA2IOB_RAW,io_flags(A3)
- beq.s .getpacket ; is etherheader wanted ?
- moveq #ether_data,D0
- add.l D0,D6 ; add header length for raw packet
- sub.w D0,D5 ; backup nic address to include header
- .getpacket:
- lea rxbuffer,A1
- move.w D5,D0
- move.w D6,D1
- bsr RemoteRead ; get packet from network card's RAM
- move.l dd_copytobuf(a5),a2
- move.l ios2_data(A3),A0
- lea rxbuffer,A1
- move.l D6,ios2_datalength(A3) ; set data length in ioreq
- move.l d6,d0
- jsr (a2) ; call copytobuf
- move.l A3,A1
- bsr TermIO ; IO finished
- .done:
- movem.l (A7)+,D3-D7/A2-A6
- rts
- ;======================================================================
- ; init_card(device)
- ; a1
- ;======================================================================
- ;
- ; Initialise PCMCIA card
- ;
- init_card:
- movem.l D2-D6/A3/A6,-(A7)
- move.l A1,A3 ; a3 = device
- btst #DDB_OWNED,dd_flags(a3) ; port already set up ?
- bne .owned
- lea cardname(pc),a1
- move.l execbase(pc),a6
- jsr _LVOOpenResource(a6) ; open credit card resource
- move.l d0,dd_cardres(a3)
- beq .error
- move.l dd_cardres(a3),a6
- jsr _LVOGetCardMap(a6)
- move.l d0,dd_cmm(a3) ; remember Card Memory Map
- lea dd_cardhandle(a3),a1
- lea dd_cardremoved(a3),a0 ; init interrupt for card removed
- move.l a3,is_data(a0)
- move.l #card_removed_code,is_code(a0)
- move.l a0,cah_CardRemoved(a1)
- lea dd_cardinserted(a3),a0 ; init interrupt for card inserted
- move.l a3,is_data(a0)
- move.l #card_inserted_code,is_code(a0)
- move.l a0,cah_CardInserted(a1)
- lea dd_cardstatus(a3),a0 ; init interrupt for status change
- move.l a3,is_data(a0)
- move.l #status_int_code,is_code(a0)
- move.l a0,cah_CardStatus(a1)
- lea devicename(pc),a0
- move.l a0,ln_name(a1)
- move.b #20,ln_pri(a1) ; high priority for I/O card
- move.b #CARDF_IFAVAILABLE,cah_cardflags(a1)
- jsr _LVOOwnCard(a6) ; own card (sets up interrupt vectors)
- tst.l d0
- bne .error
- bset #DDB_OWNED,dd_flags(a3) ; card is now owned by us
- lea dd_cardhandle(a3),a1
- jsr _LVOCardMiscControl(a6) ; enable card I/O functions
- bset #DDB_CARDIN,dd_flags(a3) ; card is inserted
- .owned:
- btst #DDB_CARDIN,dd_flags(a3) ; is card is inserted ?
- beq .error
- lea dd_cardhandle(a3),a1
- lea tuple(pc),a0
- moveq #CISTPL_CONF_MAP,d1
- moveq #40,d0
- move.l dd_cardres(a3),a6
- jsr _LVOCopyTuple(a6) ; read config map tuple
- tst.l d0
- bne .got_configmap
- moveq #0,d5 ; tuple not present so read from config file
- lea dosname(pc),a1
- moveq #0,d0
- move.l execbase(pc),a6
- lea dosname(pc),a1
- moveq #0,d0
- jsr _LVOOpenLibrary(a6) ; open DOS library
- move.l d0,a6
- lea configname(pc),a0
- move.l a0,d1
- move.l #MODE_OLDFILE,d2
- jsr _LVOOpen(a6) ; open config file
- move.l d0,d4
- ble.s .closefile
- move.l d4,d1
- lea tuple(pc),a2
- move.l a2,d2
- move.l #24,d3
- jsr _LVORead(a6) ; read config file into buffer
- cmp.l d0,d3
- bne.s .closefile
- cmp.b #'$',(a2)
- bne.s .closefile
- lea 1(a2),a0
- bsr get4hex
- move.w d0,d2 ; d2 = config register address
- cmp.b #'=',(a0)+
- bne.s .closefile
- cmp.b #'$',(a0)+
- bne.s .closefile
- bsr get2hex
- move.b d0,d6 ; d6 = config ID
- cmp.b #10,(a0)+
- bne.s .closefile
- move.w d2,d5
- cmp.b #'@',(a0)+
- bne.s .closefile
- bsr get8hex
- lea default_address(pc),a1
- move.l d0,(a1)+
- bsr get4hex ; overwrite the default hardware address
- move.w d0,(a1)+
- .closefile:
- move.l d4,d1
- beq.s .nofile
- jsr _LVOClose(a6) ; close config file
- .nofile:
- move.l a6,a1
- move.l execbase(pc),a6
- jsr _LVOCloseLibrary(a6) ; close DOS library
- tst.w d5
- beq.s .error
- move.b d6,d0
- bra.s .setconfig
- .got_configmap:
- move.b tuple+5(pc),d5
- lsl.w #8,d5
- move.b tuple+4(pc),d5 ; d5 = offset to card config reg
- lea dd_cardhandle(a3),a1
- lea tuple(pc),a0
- moveq #CISTPL_CONFIG,d1
- moveq #40,d0
- move.l dd_cardres(a3),a6
- jsr _LVOCopyTuple(a6) ; read 1st config tuple
- tst.l d0
- beq.s .error
- move.b tuple+2(pc),d0
- .setconfig:
- and.b #$3f,d0 ; extract configuration ID value
- move.l dd_cmm(a3),a1
- move.l cmm_AttributeMemory(a1),a0 ; put ID into card config reg
- move.b d0,0(a0,d5.w) ; (should enable card I/O registers)
- move.l cmm_IOMemory(a1),d0
- add.l #IOBase,d0
- move.l d0,ioaddr ; calculate I/O base address
- bra.s .ok
- .error:
- moveq #-1,d0 ; could not get card, return error
- bra.s .done
- .ok:
- moveq #0,D0 ; card is active, return OK
- .done:
- movem.l (A7)+,D2-D6/A3/A6
- rts
- ;--------------------------------------------------
- ; extract a hex number and convert it to binary
- ;--------------------------------------------------
- ; bin = get4hex(strptr)
- ; d0 a0
- ;
- ; NOTE: a0 is incremented to the next char.
- ;
- get8hex:
- bsr.s get4hex
- lsl.l #8,d0
- get4hex:
- bsr.s get2hex
- lsl.l #4,d0
- get2hex:
- bsr.s gethex
- lsl.l #4,d0
- gethex:
- and.b #$f0,d0
- move.b (a0),d1
- sub.b #'0',d1
- bmi.s .error
- cmp.b #10,d1
- blo.s .done
- .alpha:
- bclr #5,d1
- sub.b #7,d1
- bmi.s .error
- cmp.b #15,d1
- bhi.s .error
- .done:
- addq.l #1,a0
- or.b d1,d0
- .error
- rts
- ;=================================================================
- ; initialise device data structures
- ;=================================================================
- ;
- ; init_device(device)
- ; a1
- ;
- init_device:
- move.l A3,-(A7)
- move.l A1,A3
- bset #DDB_DEVINIT,dd_flags(A3) ; already initialised ?
- bne .done
- lea dd_readlist(A3),A0
- move.l A0,mlh_tailpred(A0)
- lea mlh_tail(A0),A1 ; New MinList for read queue
- clr.l (A1)
- move.l A1,(A0)
- lea dd_writelist(A3),A0
- move.l A0,mlh_tailpred(A0) ; New MinList for write queue
- lea mlh_tail(A0),A1
- clr.l (A1)
- move.l A1,(A0)
- lea dd_eventlist(A3),A0 ; New MinList for event queue
- move.l A0,mlh_tailpred(A0)
- lea mlh_tail(A0),A1
- clr.l (A1)
- move.l A1,(A0)
- move.b #NT_INTERRUPT,dd_rxint+ln_type(a3)
- move.b #16,dd_rxint+ln_pri(a3)
- lea rxintname(pc),a0
- move.l a0,dd_rxint+ln_name(a3) ; set up rx swi
- lea rxintcode(pc),a0
- move.l a0,dd_rxint+is_code(a3)
- move.l a3,dd_rxint+is_data(a3)
- move.b #NT_INTERRUPT,dd_txint+ln_type(a3)
- move.b #0,dd_txint+ln_pri(a3)
- lea txintname(pc),a0
- move.l a0,dd_txint+ln_name(a3) ; set up tx swi
- lea txintcode(pc),a0
- move.l a0,dd_txint+is_code(a3)
- move.l a3,dd_txint+is_data(a3)
- .done:
- move.l (A7)+,A3
- rts
- ;============================================================
- ; PCMCIA status change interrupt
- ;============================================================
- ;
- ; Occurs whenever a PCMCIA status line changes
- ;
- ; eg. when the network card activates it's interrupt line
- ;
- ;
- ; entry: d0 = status change(s)
- ; a1 = device
- ;
- ; exit: d0 must be preserved!
- ;
- status_int_code:
- movem.l D2-D6/A2-A4,-(A7)
- move.l D0,D6 ; d6 = status changes
- move.l A1,A4 ; a4 = device
- btst #DDB_ONLINE,dd_flags(a4) ; is device online ?
- beq .done
- move.l ioaddr(pc),a3 ; a3 = nic I/O address
- delay
- move.b nic_cr(a3),d5 ; save old command
- delay
- move.b #0,nic_imr(a3) ; prevent nic interrupts
- bra .checkint
- ; interrupt service loop (D3 = interrupt status)
- .intloop:
- btst #DSIB_ROVRN,d3
- beq .no_overflow
- ; receiver ring buffer overflowed (eek!)
- addq.l #1,dd_overflows(a4)
- delay
- move.b #0,nic_rbcr0(a3)
- delay
- move.b #0,nic_rbcr1(a3) ; reset remote byte count
- delay
- move.b #DSTC_LB0,nic_tcr(a3)
- delay ; monitor mode
- move.b #DSRC_MON,nic_rcr(a3)
- delay
- move.b #DSCM_NODMA|DSCM_START,nic_cr(a3) ; try to restart controller
- delay
- move.b #DSRC_AB,nic_rcr(a3)
- delay ; normal rx mode
- move.b #0,nic_tcr(a3)
- .no_overflow:
- btst #DSIB_RXE,d3
- beq.s .norxerr
- addq.l #1,dd_errors(a4)
- delay
- move.b nic_rsr(a3),d0 ; read rx status
- delay
- move.b nic_cntr0(A3),D0
- delay
- move.b nic_cntr1(A3),D0 ; read counters
- delay
- move.b nic_cntr2(A3),D0
- bra.s .rx
- .norxerr:
- btst #DSIB_RX,d3
- beq.s .no_rx
- ; new packet(s) arrived in receive ring buffer
- .rx:
- and.b #~(DSIM_OVWE|DSIM_RXEE|DSIM_PRXE),dd_imr(A4) ; ignore rx ints
- lea dd_rxint(A4),A1
- move.l execbase(PC),A6
- jsr _LVOCause(A6) ; to copy packet(s) into waiting ioreqs
- .no_rx:
- btst #DSIB_TXE,d3
- bne.s .tx
- btst #DSIB_TX,d3
- beq .no_tx
- ; a packet has just been transmitted
- .tx:
- moveq #0,d0
- delay
- move.b nic_ncr(A3),d0 ; read collision count
- add.l d0,dd_collisions(a4)
- bclr #DDB_TX,dd_flags(A4) ; buffer now free
- lea dd_txint(A4),A1
- move.l execbase(PC),A6
- jsr _LVOCause(A6) ; to transmit next packet
- .no_tx:
- btst #DSIB_CTRS,d3 ; counter overflow ?
- bne.s .counter
- bra.s .checkint ; all ints processed
- ; counter overflow
- .counter:
- delay
- move.b nic_cntr0(A3),D0
- delay
- move.b nic_cntr1(A3),D0 ; read counters
- delay
- move.b nic_cntr2(A3),D0
- .checkint:
- delay
- move.b nic_isr(a3),D3 ; D3 = nic interrupt status
- delay
- move.b d3,nic_isr(a3) ; clear current interrupt bit(s)
- and.b dd_imr(a4),d3
- bne .intloop ; any valid interrupts ?
- .end:
- delay
- move.b d5,nic_cr(a3) ; restore old command
- eor.b #$2c,d6
- or.b #$c0,d6
- move.b d6,$da9000 ; clear PCMCIA status change bits
- delay
- move.b dd_imr(a4),nic_imr(a3) ; enable nic interrupts
- moveq #0,d0 ; don't clear status bits coz we did
- .done:
- movem.l (A7)+,D2-D6/A2-A4
- rts
- ;============================================================
- ; PCMCIA Card Inserted interrupt
- ;============================================================
- ;
- ; Occurs whenever a PCMCIA card is plugged in
- ;
- card_inserted_code:
- bset #DDB_CARDIN,dd_flags(a1) ; card is inserted
- rts
- ;============================================================
- ; PCMCIA Card Removed interrupt
- ;============================================================
- ;
- ; Occurs whenever a PCMCIA card is unplugged
- ;
- card_removed_code:
- bclr #DDB_CARDIN,dd_flags(a1) ; card removed
- bclr #DDB_ONLINE,dd_flags(a1) ; device not online
- bclr #DDB_CONFIGURED,dd_flags(a1) ; hardware address not configured
- bclr #DDB_NICUP,dd_flags(a1) ; nic not initialised
- rts
- rxintname:
- dc.b "cnet rx softint",0
- txintname:
- dc.b "cnet tx softint",0
- cardname:
- dc.b "card.resource",0
- dosname:
- dc.b "dos.library",0
- configname:
- dc.b "S:cnetdev.config",0
- DeviceName:
- dc.b "cnet.device",0
- IDString:
- dc.b "$VER: cnet.device "
- dc.b (VERSION+"0"),".",(REVISION+"0")," "
- dc.b __DATE
- dc.b " by Bruce Abbott (bhabbott@inhb.co.nz)",10,0
- even
- ; devicequery block
- size_supplied:
- dc.l S2DQ_SIZE ; bytes supplied (size of this block)
- dc.l 0 ; this is type 0
- dc.l 0 ; this document is level 0
- dc.w ETHER_ADDR_SIZE*8 ; address size in bits
- dc.l ETHERPKT_SIZE ; maximum packet data size
- dc.l 10000000 ; line rate (10 Megabits/sec)
- dc.l S2WIRETYPE_ETHERNET ; what the wire is
- ; default station address to use if the card won't give it to us.
- default_address:
- dc.b $00,$00,$12,$34,$56,$78 ; replace this with your card's address!
- ;--------------------------------------------------------
- ; Global data
- ;--------------------------------------------------------
- execbase dc.l 0 ; local copy of execbase
- ioaddr dc.l 0 ; address of nic I/O registers
- tuple:
- ds.b 48 ; PCMCIA tuple buffer
- rx_header:
- ds.b 20 ; received packet header
- Endcode:
- section buffers,bss
- rxbuffer:
- ds.b 1600 ; received packet buffer
- txbuffer:
- ds.b 1600 ; transmit packet buffer